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Books for Preschool and Kindergarten

Preschoolers and kindergarteners have developed a sense of self by this point and will very readily tell you want they like and dislike. The key in keeping their attention when it comes to reading is focusing on things that they love and are interested in. If your child loves princesses, for example, then read them books all about their favorite princesses. They are still getting the literacy benefits even if the topic is singular.


Children in this age group really love to hear stories about children who are like them that they can relate to. They enjoy learning more and more about the real world such as going to school and making new friends. They especially like to learn more about animals that they may encounter in real life and those that no longer exist. Alphabet books are also quite popular along with counting books. Very important for Preschoolers and kindergardeners are simple synthetic phonic-based books which begin the process of learning how to read.


If your child begins to get restless or wants you to stop reading then do not force it because that will only make them lose their desire to read. Give it a break and come back to it at a later time. Their attention span still isn't that great at this point.


At this age your child is ready to begin interactive reading so you can ask probing questions about the images or storyline in the book. Also don't forget to point things out while you read to engage them in the book even further.


As your child progresses to kindergarten make the books you read relate to their daily lives. If you are reading about animals or the zoo, recall your last trip there to connect it to real life. This is also the time to lay the foundation for teaching them how to read. While reading, run your finger under the words you are reading so that they learn to associate the sound you are making and words you are saying to what is written in the book.


Make it a point to read at least one book every single day to your child, they will thank you for it later.


Following the links below will take you to a sample of some of the books Usborne offers to fit the criteria for this age group.

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