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Books for Infants-Toddlers

Babies have a very short attention span and may not be able to focus for more than a couple minutes at a time. They prefer books that have large simple pictures and are chunky for easy grasping or putting in their mouth. Board books are great to start with.


As babies progress into early toddlerhood and beyond, they love books that have texture and dimension and they "read" with their hands a lot. During bathtime, vinyl bath books are a great addition to their routine. Toddlers love books with animals and pictures of babies in them and revel in lifting flaps and pulling tabs.


Never let a single day go by without reading a book. Making books important from day one sets the stage for a bookworm later in life.


Following the links below will take you to a sample of some of the books Usborne offers to fit the criteria for this age group.

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